A bag of wind.

Translating is a complex, intellectually demanding and creative process; we can confidently say that translating idioms and idiomatic expression is a form of Art. This week we are going to have a look at idioms in different languages and find out what they really mean.

The word idiom comes from a Latin word ‘idioma’ – ‘special property’. Idioms have a special figurative meaning separate from their literal meaning and reflecting a particular type of mentality, culture or traditions. Thus, the idiom ‘a bag of wind’ cannot be translated literally as it will make no sense whatsoever; it is used to describe a person who talks a lot, who exaggerates everything all the time and frequently boasts about things.

Finding a matching expression, an equivalent can be quite difficult as not only you have to translate separate words, but transfer the meaning behind them in a way that will be understood and accepted in the other culture.

Let’s have a look at the other idiom: ‘a battle royal’. It is not a battle between two kings, but simply a long and hard dispute or struggle.


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