Womb language learning.
Bilingual learning has been the topic of many research projects. What difference does it make if a child is brought up speaking more than one language? According to various studies, bilingualism or multilingualism can help develop many cognitive functions and enhance social and emotional development of a child.
But can babies be given a head start at learning languages before they are even born? According to one of the professors at Columbia University, Antonella Sorace, babies who are exposed to different languages in the womb, have a greater sensitivity towards these languages later on in life. The idea is to equip hospitals with pre-natal language belts that could be given to expectant mothers. Expectant mothers will be required to wear these belts during a certain time every day and expose the baby to songs and stories in a foreign language. However, in order for the child to be fully bilingual, a lot of work still needs to be done once the baby is born.