Translation by native speakers

Translating and Interpreting Agency TrasEurope offer translation completed by native speakers. We work closely with a large number of qualified linguists – native speakers of various languages. Our professionals will provide you with a high quality translation and the modification of the text taking into consideration mental and cultural features reflected in the language.

What should you expect when ordering a translation completed by the native speaker?

  • Highest quality of translation. The text is translated by a native speaker, and then undergoes strict editing and proof-reading.
  • A large number of languages available for translation; we have close links with professionals having both Eastern and Western languages as their mother tongue.
  • A detailed consultation before you commit to this service. If you haven’t decided yet whether you would require this service, we could help you to make an informed decision.

When would you require translation to be completed by a native speaker?

This type of translation is required when it is important to modify the translation taking into account realia and cultural traditions of the country. In brief, you would require the services of a native speaker when:

  • translating scientific articles for publishing in foreign magazines;
  • translating business documentation required for work with foreign partners;
  • translating literary work;
  • translating specialised texts;
  • translating website content or advertising materials aimed at foreign target audience.

How could you order this service?

In order to order translation by a native speaker, call us or contact us by e-mail: Orders by e-mail are accepted 7 days a week.

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